
we are leaving it all behind...Julie Ferguson 37, a native of Oregon, and Melissa Jones, 44, a native of nowhere, embark on a six month journey to see the world. Leaving jobs, family, pets, walla walla reds, and great friends... off we go!

Friday, October 27, 2006

How fast is 180 km?

That's how faaaassssttttt we were going yesterday on the autobahn. Whew. Melissa(I'm sure you guessed who was driving) had our little VW Polo(rabbit) going as fast as she could. "The pedal is to the metal" is what she told us as we wizzed up the autobahn. And the unbelievable part, people were still blowing by us. Not many people, but the fastest was a Maseratti. If we would have blinked we would have missed it. As you can imagine, Melissa LOVES driving on the autobahn. "Next time we're getting a V6."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How fast is 180 kph? The answer is 111.60 mph. Each mile per hour is equal to .62 kph.
We could have gone faster with more engine....Next time we get the V12. Wheeeeeeee.

11:08 AM  

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