
we are leaving it all behind...Julie Ferguson 37, a native of Oregon, and Melissa Jones, 44, a native of nowhere, embark on a six month journey to see the world. Leaving jobs, family, pets, walla walla reds, and great friends... off we go!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Vaughan Town

We are in sunny Spain at a beautiful hotel. Compared to last week we've been lucky with the weather. Lots of walks speaking English with more new Spanish friends. The big change this week besides the location is we are the only two American Anglos. There is a large number from Australia, a few from England, a couple from South Africa, and one from Ireland. Thanks to our Irish friend Shiv for letting us borrow her computer. There is one man here who is originally from Texas but has lived in Spain for many years, we've put him in his own category. These past few weeks have taught us to think about our language in a different way. A few sample questions the Spanish have asked us: Why are you at some things and in others, explain the meaning of the word get, such as get in, got out, get over it, get rid of, get down, get on, etc. etc. When we made a toast at dinner with wine they were wondering why we use that same word for toast at breakfast, we explained that one of our souvenirs purchased was leather goods and the Spanish interpreted the word as ladder instead of leather, this created a further conversation among the Spanish as why we would carry a ladder around for 6 months. "Are the ladders in America not quality?", they ask.We will let you ponder all of these, we have lots more to share but not enough time. We know you want pictures! It's been a wonderful experience. Thanks to our friend Annie for suggesting we do this, she participated last year. Adios.


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